Computer Ethics and Responsible Use

The issues related to control of information and information users' obligations to others are definitely matters of ethical debate. Based on diverse opinions and agendas surrounding perceived rights to information that is readily available in a burgeoning variety of formats and issues regarding perceived or actual invasion of identity and privacy, as well as where responsibility for creating, distributing, cataloging, and evaluating information lies, ethical questions regarding the nature of information and information resources are rife.
The issues must be carefully debated, with all possible opinions represented and considered, before the issues can be resolved based on general consensus, and before comprehensive regulatory measures can be enforced.
Concern about computer ethics is the result of the "information revolution" that has tranformed service delivery and culturally-constructed concepts and relationships. Thoughtful consideration of the issues related to information and communication technology, electronic information, and ethics is necessary before the conceptual basis of responsible computing can be determined. An argument for responsible computing can be made only after careful evaluation of pro and con postitions concerning cyberethics, information systems, and how information is provided and used.
In order to form educated opinions, it is essential to consider a multi-faceted subject from many points of view. The following resources offer diverse viewpoints on electronic information and cyberethics:
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