IPL Pathfinders

"PATHFINDERS: IPL Expert Guides intended to help you get started doing research on a particular topic, both online and at your local library."
The Internet Public Library Mission Statement:
The Internet Public Library (IPL), is a public service organization and learning/teaching environment at the University of Michigan School of Information. We will engage in activities in the following areas:
Provide library services to Internet users. Activities include: finding, evaluating, selecting, organizing, describing, and creating information resources; and direct assistance to individuals.
Use a learn-by-doing approach to train information professionals and students to work in an increasingly digital environment.
Develop technology and best practices for providing library services via the Internet, including digital reference service and collection management.
Conduct research aimed at improving our services and increasing the body of knowledge about digital libraries and librarianship.
Promote our services. Share what we've learned with the professional community. Participate in efforts to create and promote relevant standards. Disseminate technology and practices to others. Develop relationships with organizations pursuing similar goals. Provide leadership in these activities.
Develop a model and plan for long-term sustainability and growth for our organization and services.
We approach the above activities via the values and principles of the profession of librarianship.
Adopted April 12, 2001
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